Issue #84, 4th July 2014

This Week's Favorite

Confessions of a Startup: All Our Numbers, Insights, Everything
12 minutes read.

One of the best inside-look into a company that's killing it today. It's a bit of a long read, but it's packed with great insights on how the team at LookBack are building their company and culture. Do not miss the "Team" and "Product" sections.

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10 Tricks to Appear Smart During Meetings
4 minutes read.

If you want to start the weekend with a good laugh, this is exactly the post for you. Send it to your teammates, should be fun to try it out during your next meeting.

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Collect Your Naysayers
1 minutes read.

Short and brilliant. If you're build a company, the number of rejects you're going to get is enormous. The sooner you'll start treating them as a great engine for motivation (proving them wrong) and feedback (why they said no), the sooner your company will be able to adjust.

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You Can't Keep Your Best People Forever
5 minutes read.

Important read on how the legendary Reid Hoffman sees management's job - "no one goes to work for one company forever anymore, and that managers shouldn’t pretend they do". Acting from a place of openness and putting your employees first, will eventually build a healthier company, one that employees are excelling at their work and others want to join. Losing talent is a smaller price to pay than scaring away talent or having poor talent stay.

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The Developer Is Dead, Long Live the Developer
4 minutes read.

"Having more wide-spread knowledge about the environment their code runs in gives a much better picture on how the code can be improved to run better, in production, to serve happy customers." -- just read the post, it's pure gold if you want to get the essence out of the DevOps movement.

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Technical Debt 101
16 minutes read.

Start with the last paragraph (The cultural shift) and go all the way up. If you're a non-technical person, I believe this is the best post you can read about technical debt that would make absolute sense. I love how Maiz Lulkin puts it - "A primer about technical debt, legacy code, big rewrites and ancient wisdom for non-technical managers."

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9 Things I Learned as a Software Engineer
10 minutes read.

Wonderful post by Manual Ebert, on things he wished he knew when starting grad school. My personal points are "Intelligence is overrated" and "Be a stake-holder and make your agenda known". Highly recommended read.

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Inspiring Tweets

@janamal: If Tetris has taught me anything, it's that errors pile up while accomplishments disappear.

@pjrvs: it's amazing how much can come from a little focus and intention.

- Oren

P.S. Can you share this email? I'd love for more people to experiment and improve their company's culture.

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