Issue #637, 7th February 2025

This Week's Favorite

Will AI Agents Eat SaaS?
8 minutes read.

The world is moving on steroids these days. It feels that a new wave is coming, something as big as SaaS did ~20 years ago, with LLM and AI Agents. Sandhya Hegde explores how we should consider it when building products, setting strategy, and by proxy - the impact on the organization structure, roles, and moats.

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Me: So What Are Long Term Gross Margins? Every Software CFO in History:
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face.

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Why Are Big Tech Companies So Slow?
5 minutes read.

"Startups don’t care about marginal features because their success is entirely dominated by finding a single successful feature that anybody wants to pay for. Big companies by definition have at least one successful feature that’s already driving lots of revenue, so they care a lot about marginal features. 1% of Google Ads or AWS S3 revenue is a lot of money. Big companies are thus incentivized to keep adding complexity until it’s literally impossible to add any more." -- Sean Goedecke is spot on.

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How to Help Your Company “Speak” Strategy
7 minutes read.

"Therefore, it’s on you to phrase your requests from them in a way that fosters their own thinking. Start by redefining how you delegate. When you ask your team to do something, don’t hand them a task or a solution to build. Instead, give them a problem rooted in the strategic context. Explain the bigger problems you are trying to solve and where they fit in. Articulate the problem you need them to solve and what would be a successful outcome. Then, let them think." -- Noa Ganot shares excellent tips on how to get your team to take a step back and understand the levers to change the company's trajectory.

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How Do You Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Process?
2 minutes read.

We can use John Cutler's split to judge the quality of the decisions and processes we adopt. The dichotomy is never perfect, but it can be helpful.

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Managing Your Time as a Middle Manager
7 minutes read.

Claire Lew shares one of my favorite posts that managers should consider when looking at their plans and how to manage their energy and focus sustainably.

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“Accept the Initial Agitation”
3 minutes read.

Billy Oppenheimer shares a powerful framing to adopt a state of mind that seeks discomfort from a place of growth versus avoidance. Read the entire thread; it has more insights and quotes to drive the right inspiration.

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Roger Federer on Mental Toughness and Resilience
2 minutes read.

Focus on the next point. And then it's behind you. And then there is a new point to play for. Roger Federer reminds us that the top tennis players (like him) can win just 54% of the points, yielding about 80% of the games, but with enough intensity and consistency - you become a legend.

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Inspiring Tweets

@LeilaHormozi: Nothing drains a high performer faster than realizing their reward for excellence is cleaning up someone else’s incompetence.

@AlexHormozi: In my 20s, I thought it was about the destination. In my 30s, I realized it was about the journey. In my 40s now, I realize it’s about the company. -Sharran Srivatsaa

- Oren

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