Issue #526, 23rd December 2022

This Week's Favorite

Success & Velocity
4 minutes read.

I like how Sean Byrnes frames success and velocity and why you should care and measure both: "The combination of success and velocity metrics leads to reliable and consistent goal attainment because you can focus on both your current and future goals at the same time."

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My Kid’s Teacher Made Toys for Her Class Based on Their Drawings. Pay Teachers More
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face. Creativity and deep caring for others is priceless.

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A Gentler, Better Way to Change Minds
7 minutes read.

Arthur Brooks wrote a great post about influencing others with your views and beliefs. It can be helpful at work, where you want to convey a new way of thinking to push your view to take the team forward. This is where I think I can improve as a leader: "Because we all establish our identities, in part, around our values, when someone dismisses your beliefs, that can feel like they’re dismissing you."

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I'm Obsessed With 1-Person Companies and Have Spent Over 50 Hours Researching Them. Here Are the 10 Most Impressive Ones That Have Generated Millions in Revenue With 0 Employees (Thread)
4 minutes read.

There are so many ways to build meaningful businesses. Aleksandr Volodarsky covers many unique individuals who created unique companies. Today, there is so much power and leverage to launch what can feel like a minor product ("it's just a feature") yet deliver massive value and revenues.

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Guiding Principle: Speed Generates Quality
3 minutes read.

"Speed creates more opportunities for learning; learning generates quality. This isn’t mindless speed (aka “move fast and break things”) but rather shortening learning loops. Learning faster is not about rushing; learning faster is about making things safer and smoother." -- Jason Yip with another wonderful take I think we should practice. Note the focus on learning faster and not moving faster. Moving faster into a wall is not helpful. Define how learning faster feels before you start iterating on the changes you make to help you learn faster.

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The Diving Save
8 minutes read.

"The opportunity narrative is the cornerstone of your Diving Save. It frames everything that follows, and if you can’t define a compelling story regarding both the short-term and long-term prospects for this person, I’m not sure why you’re frantically working on a Diving Save." -- Michael Lopp covers why "Diving Save" is often a sign of poor leadership, and what you should consider when you still face with the situation of someone leaving and you want to go "all in" to revert that.

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Blank Page: To 2023 and Beyond
11 minutes read.

As we're getting closer to the end of the year and start thinking of the new one, we face the "what I want to achieve next year?" and "what we can achieve next year?" questions. This process starts with a Blank Page. This post will get you thinking, not about how to write (starting from a blank page), but about how we can dream bigger and chase bigger outcomes: "Think about what you’re really good at and what you care about the most, and find the overlap. Then work up from there. Fill in the blank page with a story about the future and the things you did to help bring it about by contributing your unique skills."

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I Built an AI Chatbot Based on My Favorite Podcast. Here’s How I Built It and What I Learned About the Future
10 minutes read.

Dan Shipper inspired me to look at content and how we can interact with it in many areas of my life. Organizational knowledge (e.g. wiki, slack, github readme), podcasts, newsletters (hey SWLW!), books collections (by author or topic) - all are interesting to build specialized bots about to enable discovery that is more engaging than today's way of organizing information.

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Inspiring Tweets

@JamesClear: What do you have planned for today that energizes you?

@sama: increasing abundance in the world seems to be one of the best ways to reduce conflict

- Oren

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