Issue #403, 14th August 2020

This Week's Favorite

50 Short Product Lessons
18 minutes read.

I found myself jumping between ideas and principles, taking a lot of notes, and thinking about applying them in my work. Jump between items in the list as you see fit for today's challenges, and bookmark it to re-read in a few months. The "Artificial deadlines" and "Prioritizing Opportunities" were among my favorites on the list.

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Guy on the Right Is a Growth PM
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face, even in this difficult time.

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The Magic Wand Approach to Surfacing People’s Strengths
5 minutes read.

"People often dismiss their strongest capabilities as mundane or obvious. It is therefore important that they experience the value that others gain from their skills." -- Dalit Brosh shares questions you should ask to identify and amplify your teammates' talent.

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How to Attract More Women to Join Your Organization
5 minutes read.

"This happens because women tend to underestimate their abilities and performance and to over-judge themselves, regardless of their actual performance, whereas men tend to overestimate their abilities and performance." -- Moran Weber wrote an important post as we (men) are over-confident in our ability to hire female talent while keeping things as they are. I needed to read it, and to add it to my "monthly re-read" list.

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A User Guide to Working With You
4 minutes read.

Julie Zhuo shares her User Guide and a template you can use to align expectations with your teammates: "It creates clarity on how you work—what you value, how you look at problems, what your blind spots or areas of growth are, and how to build trust with you." -- This is still a controversial topic, so like anything you do - be careful about how you use it. If you like, you can also use the side-project I've built to write and share your manager readme (

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Hi, I Am Kris. I Have Been Working With Computers Since I Am 14 Years Old, and I Am Over 50 Now.[...] This Is What I Know About Software Development: (Thread)
3 minutes read.

"So 90% of your work is archeology, classification of technical debt and refactoring or non-interrupting replacement. This *is* what software development actually *is*. We lied to you in University, and again in the hiring interview." -- Kristian Köhntopp captures it so well.

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The Role of Principal Engineer at Auth0
8 minutes read.

"More precisely, we needed a documented technical strategy that would detail what we should and shouldn’t be doing to be successful in the long run." -- Damian Schenkelman shares his experience as a Principal Engineer at Auto0 - his responsibilities, how he spends his time, and how he impacts the organization (people, business, and code).

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Inspiring Tweets

@nukemberg: Organizations, like code, require periodic refactoring. Attachment to titles, job descriptions, power structures, etc makes this refactoring much harder. This means ppl must have a sense of security that is unrelated to a specific role

@CanadaKaz: Do things. Don't be things.

- Oren

P.S. Can you share this email? I'd love for more people to experiment and improve their company's culture.

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