Issue #345, 5th July 2019

This Week's Favorite

Get Your Work Recognized: Write a Brag Document
6 minutes read.

I think the concept of "Brag document" is handy as we all tend to forget what we did that is meaningful and fun, so why not write a few words? It would make managers' life easier (otherwise they need to do it for everyone in the team), and for individual contributors, it would help them cherish the things they've done and the narrative behind it (i.e., the skills you try to develop). Julia Evans with another great post that I highly suggest for you to use (template at the end of the post) and spread in your team.

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1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face.

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Getting Security to Scale: Learnings From Modern App Sec Teams
11 minutes read.

Jean-Baptiste Aviat shares a lot of great lessons that are relevant for every company out there where security matters (read: everyone). Share it internally with the developers in the team, and see if you can form some discussion on how to delegate ownership and responsibilities so people will develop empathy - both for the SecOps engineers and also for the customers whose data you need to protect.

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Why Your Business  Needs More Weird Ideas— Part 1
10 minutes read.

"You will never get fired for an unoriginal but logical idea that fails (and had a high chance of failure). You will, however, get fired for having the courage and willingness to try weird things. Why? Because when it fails, everyone is suddenly an expert due to hindsight bias. [...] When we realize that the science we need to understand human behavior is more like meteorology rather than Newtonian physics, it’ll become more acceptable to test counterintuitive things." -- I recommend reading all three parts, as it will give you a better perspective on how to sell or go to market with your ideas. In many ways, it reminded me of Airbnb's 11 Stars Experience framework, focusing on how people feel and experience the product, with a focus on how to delight and surprise them.

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On Presentations
6 minutes read.

"Great presentations trigger emotions that move people to action." -- Siqi Chen with a deck you should see every time you prepare a presentation. Figuring out how to create a relevant story is a skill worth practicing, as it will increase the ratio of your suggestions to actual ideas executed. People still under-invest in this area, and as a result, are frustrated with the impact they're able to make.

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As a Leader, Your Job Should Change Every Six Months Even if You Stay Put
5 minutes read.

Following Cate Huston's advice, asking your managers, peers, and teammates, how your role should shift as the team grows will reveal many blindspots you're missing today and can address. Use it as a roadmap to follow up and verify you're solving these concerns while also implementing your vision for the role.

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Since I Joining a New Team Last Year, I've Done About 500 1:1's. 500. (Thread)
5 minutes read.

Abi Jones shares how you can improve your 1:1s with your teammates, manager, and peers: from the books you should read and practices to follow. Bookmark it.

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Finding Your Voice as a Leader
5 minutes read.

"Recognize that when you are caught up worrying about what your team will think of you, you are actually preventing them from doing their best possible work. Without clear direction and connection to purpose, the team will keep working hard but you may not like where it takes you. So if anything else, focus on serving your team before serving your ego" -- this is such a powerful message that deeply moved me this week. Brian Wang with a post I cannot recommend enough.

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Inspiring Tweets

@danotorrey: A haiku: This code was broken. Now it is working again. I do not know why.

@jasonlk: Be the company today you will be in 12 months: Hire those people. Build that marketing site. Focus on that core customer.

- Oren

P.S. Can you share this email? I'd love for more people to experiment and improve their company's culture.

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