Issue #261, 24th November 2017

This Week's Favorite

Collection of Random Comics: Leadership, Taking Criticism and More.
3 minutes read.

Just a wonderful collection of comics by the talented Pablo Stanley. Exactly how you want to start the weekend. My favorites: "Drinking coffee 101", "How to be a leader 101" and "Getting Ready".

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An Average Day at a Startup
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face.

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Why a Flat Organizational Structure Fails
11 minutes read.

I agree that, at scale, using Flat Org structure can easily break communication and increase overhead instead of reducing it. It also guarantees that a lot of your energy will be focused internally, sharing context ineffectively, instead of focusing on customers. That being said, practicing it at small scale can create a lot of leaders that would help you build the structure you'll need.

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Feature Creep Isn’t the Real Problem
10 minutes read.

I've witnessed this myself, and sadly contributed to it before: "A team builds their product via development by committee. Everyone has a little bit of input, but incentives for individuals and teams are misaligned and not related to customers’ needs. This leads to a collection of features that aren’t tightly tied to helping customers achieve their goals." -- Hiten Shah explains how to set the focus on the customers, sharing a personal story of how he failed with his product Vision Web Hosting due to: "Too many cooks with different motivations plagued product development from the beginning."

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Catalysts and Psychological Safety
9 minutes read.

"Catalysts are underrated" -- I'd start by reading this section first and then start at the beginning. Tom Bartel will get you thinking about the credit your catalysts get from you and your teammates.

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Tech Challenges for Your Developers
4 minutes read.

If you need ideas to help your engineers get out of their comfort zone, Yossi Shmueli will give you a few ideas. The "Foreign exchange program" can be a good way also to build empathy between teams.

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Which Five Books Have Influenced You the Most in Terms of Shaping Your Worldview? (Thread)
3 minutes read.

Patrick Collison started an epic thread with so many great books shared. Now is the perfect timing to purchase a few more.

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Box’s VP Engineering on Biohacks for A Better Career
12 minutes read.

Tomas Barreto is like the Tim Ferriss of software engineers. Concepts such as "Subject yourself to extremes," "Boost energy with power poses" and "Take control with a single sentence" are worth practicing to see how much you enjoy from it, and how it affects your productivity and well-being.

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Inspiring Tweets

@hmemcpy: How do you manage a scrum of scrums? With Jira of Jiras.

@ilyasu: The path to happiness passes through the valley of vanquishing FOMO.

- Oren

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