Issue #251, 15th September 2017

This Week's Favorite

Reddit and Facebook Veteran on How to Troubleshoot Troublemakers
10 minutes read.

Every manager should have in their toolbox Bethanye McKinney Blount's tips on "How to Manage Four Types of Troublemakers" -- share it at the office with your managers and your senior individual contributors, so they could deal with different situations and help form a better collaboration within the team.

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New Guy on the First Day
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face.

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Lessons Learned Scaling Airbnb 100X
11 minutes read.

Jonathan Golden has seen Airbnb becoming one of the most successful companies in the world, leading its product from the early days until massive scale. Read the part about "Be willing to take a risk to serve your community" -- Great insights into the mindset of the founders and the DNA of the company!

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EMAIL TEMPLATE: Help a Programmer Stay Focused, Please 👩‍💻👨‍💻.
3 minutes read.

I've seen some members of my team unable to focus as they allow everyone in the org to approach them at any time, even if it's for questions that can be answered within a few days. Please set expectations with others, your sanity and ability to deliver are on the line. I wrote this blog post because all Software Engineers should implement back-pressure for humans, not only code.

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People Keep Arguing With Me When I Say Devs Need to Learn Ops, as Tho I'm Sentencing Them to Years of Hard SSH'ing to Servers at 3 Am. (Thread)
4 minutes read.

Charity Majors with a great tweetstorm that is more relevant than ever. This one is golden: "Code on your laptop is dead code. You know this. It doesn't get real til it hits real systems, real data, real deploys and real users." -- The same applies for pull requests or a long release cycle. Engineers need to understand the pipeline, not only the features.

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From Coding to Management to Leadership
5 minutes read.

Do you really want to become better at debugging people & social interactions? Are you okay with getting away from code? Read "Before taking a management role, make sure to..." and think about it. People deserve great managers who can serve them and make them and the organization better.

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The Role of a VP of Engineering
4 minutes read.

Bruno Miranda covers a lot of aspects of the role of VP Engineering. It's not a complete list, but a good set of responsibilities you can think of if you're interested in serving as VP Eng at some point in your career.

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Valuable Lessons Learned and Missed From My Time Working at Google
5 minutes read.

No doubt that Google has built one of the best engineering organization in the world. Edmond Lau shares what he took from his years there and also what he learned later on, working for multiple startups. What are you trying to learn now? How would you like to optimize your career for personal growth? Interesting takeaways you can apply when picking your next company to work for.

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Inspiring Tweets

@jesslynnrose: Don't invest time in folks who assume they're smarter than you. Convincing them of your worth to be able to exchange ideas isn't worth it.

@justincormack: weeks of programming will save you hours of planning

- Oren

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