Issue #209, 25th November 2016

This Week's Favorite

How I Share Information With My Team
4 minutes read.

Sending a Week-In-Review email to your teammates as a manager is a great way to share information. It's also powerful as a method to observe different patterns emerging over time as you have that "log" available. Mike McGarr, an Engineering Manager at Netflix, provide a helpful template you can follow. I think this is something I'm going to play with myself in the next few months.

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Standing Desk Hack Level 9000
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face.

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Building and Motivating Engineering Teams
5 minutes read.

"Respect that engineers are smart individuals who often have more to add to your business than just their coding talents, and teach them to respect that the other parts of the business have equally valuable skills and perspectives. Engineers don’t need to feel like the company royalty to be inspired to do good work, but they do need the opportunity to be treated like a partner." -- that, hundred times that.

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How We Structure Our Work and Teams at Basecamp
8 minutes read.

"Just like we’re always iterating on our product work, we’re also always iterating on how our company works. We consider our company a product too. When you begin to think of your company like a product, you can begin to improve it in entirely new ways. I feel like we’re on version 5.2 of “how we work”" -- How powerful is that, right? Jason Fried shares the way Basecamp builds products, and there are plenty lessons to take away from it, one of them which I enjoyed the most is the section on "Pitching an idea".

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A Guide to Handling Incidents, Downtime and Outages
4 minutes read.

Useful guide with many links to great examples to share with your teammates. Should be great timing for many companies out there, preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday's crazy sales and the operational impact it may have on them.

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The Sanctity of Your Calendar
8 minutes read.

Even if you're too busy, you simply have to read Julie Zhuo's "Question if you truly need to be at this meeting." -- this can be the most effective way to "buy" yourself important time. This can also be used to mentors others on how to utilize meetings to gain the most out of it.

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On Being (Technically) Surpassed Gracefully
5 minutes read.

Tom Bartel writes about that feeling of moving into a management position and slowly yet surely seeing others around you becoming more technical than you. What is your unfair advantage now? How can you provide value in a meaningful way? What should you be careful about when talking with your teammates? Good read with a lot of pointers to figure out your new learning curve as a manager.

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Managing Engineers in Less Than 200 Characters
1 minutes read.

Not an easy task, trying to summarize a philosophy in 200 chars. Tal Bereznitskey makes it look easy.

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Inspiring Tweets

@JohnONolan: Productivity means changing project management software every 6 months and being totally convinced the next thing will def. work

@ryantomlinson: Teams not owning their own releases is engineering organisation anti-pattern 101. Siloing responsibilities will always cause problems.

- Oren

P.S. Can you share this email? I'd love for more people to experiment and improve their company's culture.

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