Issue #170, 26th February 2016

This Week's Favorite

How to Level Up as a Developer
11 minutes read.

One of the best posts I've read lately. A post I could only wish someone would have sent me 16 years ago when I started my career. Take your time to read it, and share it with people who started recently and trying to figure out their path.

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Okay, Here's the Official Tradeoff Gang Sign Gif (By Kent Beck)
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face - for the next time you need to do the "it's all tradeoffs" sign, trying to explain why doing X instead of Y. You're welcome.

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Telling a Good Story Is Everything
5 minutes read.

Telling a good an authentic everything sets the tone for everything else when it comes to your company's north star, list of priorities and KPIs. The list of tips regarding "On leading a team" is golden.

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4 minutes read.

Wonderful read by Camille Fournier, looking back on her time as the CTO of Rent The Runway, and how framing the company's values there affected their hiring process. This is such an important skill to master as an interviewer.

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Meet Etsy's 'Office Hackers'
6 minutes read.

I can imagine a few friends of mine who'd enjoy working as Office Hackers, even if it's for 20%-40% of their time. I'm not sure what is the best way to create an environment where creativity, playfulness and joy prosper. Maybe having such roles might feel like "waste", something that I often hear about Hackathons or similar experiences. I'm not sure. Do what works best for your team, your values and your budget. Do what feels authentic.

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People Can Read Their Manager's Mind
5 minutes read.

People will always game the metrics you'll set, even if you think they won't. I like the phrase "work on problems that will leave the world in a better place even if you fail", and it can be easily applied to KPIs - choose metrics that would leave the company in a better place even if you won't reach exactly that.

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Everyone Always Asks Me Which Books I Recommend for Product Managers, Here It Is
1 minutes read.

Great list of books by Sean Rose (PM at Slack). Added 3 of them to my reading list, even though I'm not planning to change my position any time soon.

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Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss
12 minutes read.

People have a great sense to reading bullshit responses, or a behavior that doesn't fit the situation. This week many of the posts I enjoyed reading where around authenticity.

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Inspiring Tweets

@BenedictEvans: The point you can really understand something in tech is normally the point it stops being interesting. So, curiousity is everything.

@TonyRobbins: Success is buried on the other side of rejection.

- Oren

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