Issue #82, 20th June 2014

This Week's Favorite

Thoughtbot's Playbook
15 minutes read.

I simply love companies that invest time in writing their own playbook - how they approach building a company, how they execute and the tools they use to get the job done. It sets such a high standard for both existing and new employees, just by setting clear expectations about the process and performance. I know there is never "enough time" to sit down and define it, but having implicit expectation will cost you by far more in the future. So - what's your playbook?

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HR Antipatterns at Startups
10 minutes read.

I'd start by reading the last paragraph and then go back to read it from the beginning of the article. We need better HR but we (as employees and founders) are also the one who take all of their advantages away, by treating them as a symbol of the bureaucracy we hate so much. I've seen it happens in companies I worked for. There is so much good to gain from having a strong HR in the organization. I've seen that happen too, and I've learned so much from that experience.

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Don’t Be Data-Driven, Be Problem-Driven
2 minutes read.

Ben Yoskovitz with a short post that I couldn't agree more with. "Analytics is the measurement of movement towards business goals" - KPIs are important, but the process of figuring out which KPIs actually matter to the business, is what will eventually make your company win. Great read!

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Better University Recruiting Strategies for Employers
5 minutes read.

If your company is currently looking for recruiting employees straight out of the university, this post offers a few great strategies you can experiment with as part of your efforts. FogCreek and Khan Academy are great examples to the power of a great internship plan, so read their blogs if you're looking for more ideas.

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Why Introverts Make Great Leaders
5 minutes read.

A must read by Meghan Keaney Anderson (product marketer at Hubspot). Nothing more to add, read it.

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Why Full-Time Programming Is a Part-Time Job
5 minutes read.

Great post by Colin Ross, a developer working at Buffer, about the importance of creating thinking time during the day. Share it with your developers, it's a great way to start a conversation about "what do you do in order to keep your energy levels high?" during your next lunch with them.

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Inspiring Tweets

@roidrage: Cross one thing of your daily task list before 10:00. You’ll be surprised what kind of energy boost that can give you.

@patio11: Launch cultures vs. shipping cultures: "The work / conditions are not optimal yet. We should delay." vs. "I pushed deploy already."

- Oren

P.S. Can you share this email? I'd love for more people to experiment and improve their company's culture.

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