Issue #247, 18th August 2017

This Week's Favorite

Uncovering the Secret Powers of MailChimp Employees Through Apprenticeships
6 minutes read.

Organizations that help their employees navigate within the company, and keep the context they gained while feeling at growth mindset will gain an unfair advantage over time. MailChimp's apprenticeships program is a framework you can copy to do that.

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Very Disappointed With the Results of His Schrodinger's Test
1 minutes read.

My humble effort to help you start the weekend with a smile on your face. Cats are awesome.

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The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals
4 minutes read.

"Amateurs have a goal. Professionals have a process." -- just one out of ~20 powerful observations about the behaviors and mindset of professionals. Use this list in your 1:1s to provide feedback on behaviors you'd like your teammates to focus on in order to increase their positive impact.

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The Dangers of Measuring Performance
7 minutes read.

Measuring individuals performance in a team's sport is always challenging, as you have to weight in direct impact and indirect impact. This is almost impossible to do as software engineers, unlike many other sports, don't have such easily measurable metrics. I like this view by Andrew Robinson III: "First, make sure your team measures are focusing on the right things: value to the customer. Second, make sure your individual measures are focusing on the right things: value to the team."

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What I Hear When You Tell Me Your Company Doesn’t Do Meetings
6 minutes read.

"Getting rid of meetings to focus on the work sounds intuitive, but only because you can’t feel the loss of context that happens." -- Meetings can be a powerful tool when used right. When people lose the context they need to make decisions, the company loses its ability to scale. Management becomes a bottleneck, and people feel they no longer understand how their effort translates to success.

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Ask HN: What Mistakes in Your Experience Does Management Keep Making?
10 minutes read.

What an insightful thread to follow if you're currently serving others as a manager or looking into management in the future. What I love about HN community is its honesty to say things as they are (sometimes too much of it).

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Feelings of Failure
5 minutes read.

Elad Gil's words are so spot on for me: Serving as VP Engineering to my team, I so often feel that imposter syndrome. Finding a group of people I can consult with internally and externally (group of VPE Eng & CTO from other companies) was one of the best decisions I've made, so find a way to make others contribute to your health, to your confidence, and to your long term success.

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Anyone Who Ever Schedules Meetings With Developers, Please Burn This Image Into Your Brain, Thanks
1 minutes read.

As a nice contrast to the article above on meetings, make sure you protect the Makers' Schedule, keeping meetings as effective as possible.

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Inspiring Tweets

@BesseIFunction: - Dad, can I borrow your computer? - You forgot the magic word. - Sudo. - Ok then.

@chadfowler: Someone scheduled a 30 minute meeting w/ me and said goodbye after 5 minutes when we'd covered everything. There is still good in the world.

- Oren

P.S. Can you share this email? I'd love for more people to experiment and improve their company's culture.

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